Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New-to-me section of the AT (long run).

RUNS: The long run this weekend got changed more then once between the weather and other peoples plans. The final plan ended up being a run on the Appalachian Trail on a new-to-me section. I was promised beautiful views if I put up with the cold and blustery winds. And the wind ended up not being much of a factor except on a couple of the field crossings.

I was totally not into it on Sunday morning but got up and headed out. Within the first mile I felt like I wanted to walk. And by the second mile I did walk for a bit. I was thinking there was no way that I would be able to run 20 miles today. But I knew that I wanted to get to a certain land mark/point before I did turn around.

So I kept trudging along mostly running and then walking when I couldnt. By about the 5 mile mark things got a bit better and I was moving along quite nicely. By mile 6 I was ready to keep going the distance! There was more elevation and rocky sections on this part of the AT but still very runnable. Right before we got to the look out was the steepest and rockiest section.

But I was infact rewarded with these amazing views!
Rik is looking for our car somewhere down there.
Rock bench.
Perfect place to relax and refuel.
While we were checking out the views some hikers from Pittsburg came by and we chatted for a bit. The older gentleman was 68yo and hoping to do the entire AT in sections by the time he is 80. So cool! They were nice enough to snap a quick pic of Rik & I too.
Its so funny when you talk to hikers and they are amazed that you are running the trails that they are hiking. I was kind of surprised with how many people we saw on the trail today considering how cold and windy it was. But everyone was so nice and friendly. Love it.

After we finished up at the lookout we continued uphill to the top to check out some more trails before turning around and headed back down. You can imagine how much fun it was going back down! Some of it was a bit to steep for me to run but much of it was just plain fun running!

We continued back towards the car and Rik taunted me in the last 1 1/2 mile to see if we could make it back to the car by a certain time. I told him to go ahead but I started cruising too. I thought I was cruising for awhile and looked down at my Garmin only to see that I had gone about 1/2 mile, lol. I slowed down just a bit but kept going. I didnt make it by his time but it gave me some incentive to try!

The run ended up being pretty good. My pace (4:28/13:24mm) was only slightly slower then the 20 miler last weekend. My knee has been letting me know that I need to pull back on my runs this week. Its not painful but I have felt this before and I know what I need to do. I didnt need any ibuprofen today so that was a positive. Just need to keep it in check.

EATS: During the run I ended up eating 2 GUs, 1/2 banana, 2 fig newtons, a few gummy worms, water and sips of Riks Gatorade. Probably 400+ calories. I felt like this was a good fueling day!

After the run we stopped at the grocery store for a few things and as soon as we walked in the door I saw this prepackaged pineapple! Several people told me that this was good for recovery and that fresh was best so I snatched it up. It was expensive so I hope it works. (it makes me think...when is pineapple in season?!)
I dont know yet if I think it works or not but I do know that it tasted delicious!

We have running plans for the next two weekends and then it will be a weekend of very little running for rest and recovery. But after that, I am super excited to head back and park even further north to explore even more trail. The Appalachian Trail does not disappoint this trail runner :)

Have you ever been on any part of the AT?



  1. Great long run! I've been on several sections of the AT since I can hop on it pretty close to home but there are still many sections I should explore! Good luck with the pineapple! :)

    1. Me too Abbi! I want to explore much more of it this year.
      And thanks for the pineapple suggestion :)

  2. Awesome long run girl! I've never been on the AT! It looks gorgeous!!!! And I've never thought about eating pineapple after a run..yum!

    1. Mindy-the pineapple thing is new to me to but makes sense so I am trying it. Besides...its delicious :)

  3. I like to think that if I am power walking up a hill then that definitely compares to running flat or down hill. I feel like I am exerting MORE effort with the power walks than with running. It's all burning calories so I love it regardless.

    Pineapple grows year round in Hawaii doesn't it?? Maybe it's in season always. I don't know, just a guess. It's super yummy though!

    1. I especially need to get better with my form on the hills. I seem to like to bend at my waist and almost hunch over. Not good! But hills are definitely a great calorie burner!!

      I had to google it just now and it seems pineapples are "in season" from March to July. Now we know, lol.

  4. To answer your question - yes, yes I have been on the AT - a few times. Glad to hear you guys got in the full 20. That view is gorgeous. I have been up there at different seasons and it's great all year around.
    What section are you guys thinking of doing next? It gets very rocky 5-6 miles north of where you guys turned around - very jagged type rocks. But those side trails you saw can add some nice loops to get mileage.
    Oh and the pineapple looks yummy!

    1. Jamie- those trails that we turned around at...are they the ones you were talking about? We weren't sure if they were loops or more out and back type trails. Rik has been as far north as Duncannon but that's the furthest I've been.

    2. The jagged rock section I was referring to is between Rt 850 and Duncannon - well more like 2-3 mile north of Rt 850 for a few miles.
      I do loops using the Darlington (blazed orange) and the AT but you need to add in a dirt road. Could do out n back or a loop. The other direction (I think blazed in blue) is the Tuscarora. Not as exciting and nothing to loop back in that I know of.

  5. When I was a kid I lived in the Poughkeepsie NY area so my parents and I would hike the AT around the New York to Delaware Gap area.

  6. Love the sections of the AT that I've been on. Great run!

  7. Great long run and what a gorgeous place to do it. I have never been on the AT, but I have heard such amazing things.

    1. Thanks Abby- it was nice to run new trails. I always have a good time doing that. If you ever get a chance to travel on the AT don't pass it up ;)

  8. That talking to hikers and running versus hiking thing was so great at the SOB 50k (Oregon/California border on the PCT). Two sort of beat-up looking guys came into a full campground, looked around, came over to us and asked if they could put up their tent in the back part of our space. Sure--want dinner? We had food for a 50k run the next day. Wonderful evening of "you are running how far" and "you are walking how far" -- they were in their third summer on the PCT. Lots of comments about "sure would like to trade places" were heard.

    Nice pictures and story of your run--beautiful country back there.

    rgot ... John M.

  9. Last year my brother through-hiked the whole trail! Over the summer I met him and hiked part of it with him, for the weekend. I gotta say, I can't imagine running the area where we were, but a guy did pass us running! We pretty much hiked straight up a mountain the whole day, it was CRAZY. He said the same thing about the other hikers out there, everyone is so nice and friendly.
    You did great! And that pineapple looks delicious!

