Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The return of the Long Run.

RUNS: On Friday morning I ran 10.5 miles because there was a chance of snow from that huge Nemo blizzard that was to hit the East Coast. Lucky for us we were spared most of the snow and lucky for me I got an awesome run in. This is the fastest pace I have held on the road for this many miles. I was thinking of going for the full 13.1 to fulfill another of my virtual half marathons for the year but it wasnt meant to be.
So Saturday I ended up just doing some hot yoga with Rik, Shena, Renee and Rachel (the girl who broke her foot running with me for the first time). Her doctor said yoga would be a great way to regain the strength and flexibility on that side. And I agree. Yoga seems to be good for LOTS of things. It was a great session. The room was packed!

Then for my weekend long run that I have been anxiously awaiting! We headed down to Rockburn Branch Park in MD on Sunday. We ran here last year at around the same time and it was a great run. It is a 10k loop, very fast  and runnable. I thought it would be a great way to ease back in to the 20+mile run since there were no big climbs and we would pass the car with each loop incase I was done before the 20.

The run started out in the 20s and everything was frozen. Until we were done a few hours later it had warmed up and turned muddy.
This must be from loop 3 since I am carrying my water bottle. (see below)
A little section of sand and pine needles.
At least the mud held off until the last loop!
A pic of the mountain bike skills course they have at the park. I want to go back with my bike in the spring!
It was something new they added since we were here last year. It is closed in the winter.
Miles done!!
But not all of the miles were easy. I was on pace from my last years run for the first two loops but I let my hydration and nutrition slip away and couldnt catch back up. I knew it was happening....

I had a mini oatmeal cake (oatmeal, bananas, chocolate chips, walnuts, and topped with PB) before the run. I didnt take anything with me for loop one since it was only 10k. Got back to the car and had 1 Gu and however much water (not enough, mistake 1). Went out for loop two without anything either (mistake 2 and I knew it almost right away). I got thirsty and started to feel low at about mile 11. I knew I was getting behind. I didnt get anymore water or fuel until mile 12.5 back at the car. So I sucked down a bunch of water, banana, and one Gu (mistake 3, I KNOW I cant do all that at once). I should have done one or the other and then 1/2hr later do the other.

So I headed out for loop three with lead in my gut and no energy in my legs. But I had my water with me, lol. It took me most of the loop to get things back on track. Last stop a the car was 1 fig newton and more water.

I ended up fueling 21.5 miles (just over 4hrs) with 2 Gu, 1 banana, 1 fig newton (about 360 calories) and not enough water a the beginning. That actually might have been enough had I been able to fuel when I STARTED to feel it instead of having to wait a few more miles to get to it.

At mile 12.5 I was nearly on pace from last year and by the end of the run I was about 30 seconds per mile on average behind what I was last year. Lesson learned. Now time to recover and go from there.

Do you have any long run recovery tips that you swear by?!



  1. Great job on the long run! I go with compression after a long run and someone told me to eat pineapple. I'm convinced it works, though I'm sure it's all in my head! :)

    1. I've been talking about compression sleeves/socks for months but have yet to actually buy a pair! I need to check out this pineapple thing too!!

  2. I heard about the pineapple thing too, but not sure from where. I love my compression sleevs, pivot shorts, Bliss softening socks and chocolate chip cookies after a long run.

    1. I actually checked out those shorts too but they were coming out with new ones and wanted to wait. Do you wear them to run or for recovery?

    2. Chocolate chip cookie and pineapples! Yum!!

  3. Pineapple is an anti-inflammatory(there is a particular enzyme or something...easy to google it). I eat it regularly....keeps me virtually free from soreness despite 2+ workouts a day six days a week(now living in year round bikini weather have to get bikini ready).

    1. Wow, you workout a lot! Good thing I like pineapples. I am definitely trying them for recovery.
