Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Good run. Good eats. Good day.

RUNS: 7.5 miles around the same new trails around the lake as last week. We did do one different one to check it out but it was just a detour from another so the mileage was about the same.

Felt really good and strong on this run but my pace ended up being about the same as last week as well.

The trail ends with some awesome downhill single track that I just love. I was listening to my music during the run and decided to turn it up and put on a jammin song to get me going on this last section. I turned onto the single track and as I was messing with my music I almost fell and decided it was best just to leave the music as is! Next time I will adjust the music BEFORE the good parts of trail!

EATS: Check out the breakfast!! Quinoa Plum Pudding.

Cut up a plum. Add quinoa, chia seeds, cinnamon, and almond milk.

Mix it all up and stick it in the fridge overnight to gel.


It was really good but the next time I need to add more milk. I added more after I took the picture!

Lunch was the household favorite. Peanut Butter Graham crackers. Banana. Veggies (cukes) and Italian dressing. Fig Newtons. Clif Bar-chocolate brownie. Best lunch ever!!
Packed Lunches
Dinner was made before we ran so that when we came home Rik threw some breadsticks in the oven while we got showers and it was ready to inhale when we got done! I made this Smoky Bear Quinoa Salad & Dressing exactly per the recipe except I only made half the dressing. It was incredible!!
Smoky Bear Quinoa

We sure do love our fresh veggie raw salads in this house but when the temps start to get lower you often times look for something warm which was why we added the breadsticks. You certainly dont need them with the quinoa and beans but it was a nice warm addition. And who would pass up bread!

Snack was this fruit bar. Ingredients: 1 apple + 1 pear. That's It
They are a little expensive. They taste like candy. I dont share.
Do you buy snacks that you dont share?! Or am I alone here?!


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